Immigration Services
The Immigration Services program of Catholic Charities of Northwest Florida serves individuals who need legal Immigration Services, regardless of race, religion, culture, ethnicity, ideology, or country of origin.
Our Immigration Office has multilingual and multicultural staff dedicated to anticipating and meeting the needs of individuals seeking legal immigration assistance. We are committed to preserving the family unit by providing legal Immigration Services in a professional, ethical, and caring manner.
The agency is recognized by the U.S. Department of Justice, and the representatives are accredited by its Office of Legal Access Programs to represent clients before the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). We provide affordable, ethical, one-on-one attention, always having the client’s best interest.
The U.S. Immigration system is complex, overwhelming, and constantly changing. We provide accurate information regarding lawful paths to immigration relief, the rights of immigrants, and the harm that unscrupulous legal practitioners can cause.
Immigration Services Offered
- Family-Based Immigration
- Petitions for family members
- Adjustment of Status (Residency/Green Card)
- Consular processing
- Removal of conditions on Conditional Permanent Residence
- Renewal of Legal Permanent Resident card (Green Card)
- Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals - DACA Renewal
- Citizenship
- Employment Authorization Document
- K Visas (Non-Immigrant Visas)
- U Visas (for victims of certain crimes)
- Waivers
- VAWA - Violence Against Women Act self-petitions for spouses and children who are victims of battery or extreme cruelty.
- TPS (Temporary Protection Status)
- Affirmative Asylum
- Translations & Notarizations
- Travel Documents and More

“ … we are called to show maximum respect for the dignity of each migrant; this entails accompanying and managing waves of migration as best we can, constructing bridges and not walls, expanding channels for a safe and regular migration. In whatever place we decide to build our future, in the country of our birth or elsewhere, the important thing is that there always be a community ready to welcome, protect, promote and integrate everyone, without distinctions and without excluding anyone."
Pope Francis - Rome, Saint John Lateran, May 11, 2023
“For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me.” - Mt 25:35-36
To make a donation to our Immigration & Refugee Program:
Catholic Charities of Northwest Florida
Immigration and Refugee Services
Serving Pensacola, Fort Walton Beach, Panama City, and Tallahassee
Pensacola Office
1815 N. Sixth Avenue
Fort Walton Beach Office
850.244.2825 ext.1053
11 First Street SE